Hello people of the internet! Well, it's been an unbelievably long time now hasn't it? As you can probably tell by the title of this post, I opened an Etsy shop! This has been a dream of mine for quite a long time now. I've played around with the idea for years and lockdown just seemed like the perfect tme to give it a go.
Hello people of the internet! Does anyone else feel like March was the longest month ever and April just flew by?! Somehow May is right around the corner which can only mean one thing... It's time for another photo challenge! I had so much fun with all of you during April. I swear I took more photos than I have in months. Without further ado, let's get into my May 2020 photo a day challenge!
Hello people of the internet! Well, to say it's been a while would be an understatement, to say the least. The last time we spoke the whole year was full of promise and hope. Now most of us are stuck inside trying to keep ourselves and everyone else safe. Hopefully, this photo challenge can help you take your mind off of everything going on and get your creative energy flowing.
Hello people of the internet! I cannot believe it's nearly January already. Not only January but, January 2020! How is it a whole new decade!? Well, this month (and year) I'm trying a new style for my photo challenges. I want to get more involved in the design process. That's why I'm particularly proud of how this month's prompt list turned out. I've handwritten or drawn most of it aside from some text and I love how it turned out!
Hello people of the internet! Welcome to my last photo challenge of 2019. What a strange, long but, seemingly short year its been. With the year coming to an end I always like to capture as many memories as possible. And, it's even better because the festive season is always the best time to get pretty pictures! So, get your camera ready and join in on the fun this December!