Cocoa Brown Tan Event || Blogtober
Saturday, October 03, 2015Hello people of the internet! On Sunday, I was lucky enough to attend the #PassionPersistencePink event in Dublin! This event was for the debut of the two new Cocoa Brown products! Now, I don't use fake tan. I never have. I love Cocoa Brown though! Every time I've ever seen someone use their products I've been impressed. Aside from that, I love them as a brand. Cocoa Brown is such a friendly and warm company. I expected nothing less at the event! Needless to say, that's exactly how it went!
I was made to feel so welcome from the moment I stepped in the door! Everyone was able to grab a picture with Marissa Carter (The amazing woman behind Cocoa Brown) too! She is so sweet by the way. When she stepped onto the stage there was such a great energy in the room. Between Marissa talking, the guest speakers, and little Q & A's it was an amazing day!
Before we broke for lunch Marissa decided to reveal the new products! She was so excited to share them with us! The room exploded with cheering and claps when she unveiled the new Instant Tan Bronzing Gels. One matte and one Shimmer. Marissa then proceeded to demo them straight onto her arm. That was the moment I decided to try fake tan. I'll be doing about post/review of the new bronzing gels this month! If you want to get your hands on the new products (€6.99 each) you can pre-order them at Or you can purchase them from any Cocoa Brown stockist starting October 12th!
Marissa was able to share one more amazing thing with us: An amazing goodie bag! I've decided to do a bunch of product reviews for you guys this month. I can't wait to share some of the awesome things I found in that bag with you! Keep your eyes peeled!
Would you try instant tan?
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I very rarely, if ever, use tanning products because I'm so pale, but I've heard so many good things about Cocoa Brown! I must admit, I'm quite tempted. It sounds like a lovely event, I'm glad you enjoyed it :) xx