#PADCardiganjezebel Week: 1

Saturday, January 09, 2016

#PADCardiganjezebel Week: 1

Hello people of the internet! Hope your first week back wasn't too exhausting. If you follow me on Snapchat, you'll know my week was! I got into a horrible pattern of going to bed at 7 a.m. and waking up around 5 p.m. But, even througout all of that I managed to keep up with my Photo-A-Day challenge! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who is taking part in this. It's grown more than I ever could have imagined. As I'm typing this the hashtag has over 1400 photos in it! 

#PADCardiganjezebel Week: 1

Day 1: First Selfie of 2016

#PADCardiganJezebel Week: 1

Day 2: Inspired by...

#PADCardiganJezebel Week:1

Day 3: Dreamy

#PADCardiganJezebel Week: 1

Day 4: Texture

#PADCardiganJezebel Week: 1

Day 5: I Love...

#PADCardiganJezebel Week: 1

Day 6: From A Distance
Just wanted to share something with you guys... My best friend from back home is coming out to visit me! By the time she gets here it'll be over 4 years since we've last seen each other. I cannot wait!

#PADCardiganjezebel Week: 1

Day 7: Details

Once again, thanks so much if you've been participating! Also feel free to get involved! 

Which one is your favorite? 
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

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