9 Free Pastel Social Media Stock Images

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

9 Free Pastel Social Media Stock Images

Hello people of the internet! If you're following me on Instagram, you know that I'm a fan of motivational quotes. Usually, ones that center around getting shit done and being a total girl boss. Well, there comes a time when you can't find anything that fits your needs on Pinterest. I was bored one night and ended up making nine (HOW!?) motivational quote designs for my Instagram. After posting a few, I was asked if I was ever going to make them available on my blog. So that's how this post came to be! 

A Diamond is a lump of coal that did well under pressure motivational quote freebie
Don't Give Up Motivational quote barbie pink girl boss aesthetic
Live Boldly motivational quote
Inhale confidence. exhale doubt. motivational quote free download
Throw Kindness around like confetti! Free motivational quote download
Should. could. would. did. free motivational quote download
Life is tough but so are you, darling! free motivational quote design
Take the risk or lose the chance. free motivational quote download!

If you like any of my designs feel free to use them on Twitter, Instagram (their squares for a reason!), your blog, Pinterest, etc! Please just remember to credit me! You can use them for filler on your Instagram or they can help you create a new theme altogether!

Which one is your favorite?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

Let's be friends!

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  1. This is such a super idea thanks, I am a chronic illness blogger and often run out of images to post as I spend most of my day in bed or a chair so these will be shown on my social media, you are a star, thanks xxx

  2. There's something super satisfying about a good quote. Thank you for sharing these :D

    Sophia \\ http://sophiawhitham.co.uk


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