How I Plan Blog Content All Year Round!
Wednesday, August 16, 2017Hello people of the internet! I hope you had a fantastic weekend! I know I certainly did. Today I wanted to share a bit of my own knowledge. As Most of you know, I've been writing posts on this site for over three years now. And, that takes some level of planning. So, I'm going to talk about how I plan my content for my blog today!
Planning blog content can be a pain in the ass. Sometimes you just have writer's block or your photos just don't turn out right and you don't have time to re-take them. What I like to do at the start of each month is come up with 12-15 blog posts ideas that I can use that month. I'm really trying to get back to post three times a week so that's usually 12 times a month. With three extra posts just in case.
When I'm planning these post ideas, I like to think about upcoming holidays or events. Like during Halloween - What make-up looks can I do? Or Around Christmas - What recipes can I try? These types of posts can really help pad your content during busy months. They're also very easy to shoot ahead of time and schedule.
Pinterest is a great place to get inspiration for posts. There are so many blog posts that you can find that will give you a ton of inspiration (like this one and this one). You can also find a huge selection of blog planner freebies to help you stay organized.
Speaking of staying organised, I like to use Google Sheets to plan my blog posts for the month! There's a calendar template that I just fill out every month. This way I can see all of my posts in the order that I want them to go up. It helps me decide when certain things need to be photographed/written by. As well as making sure I don't post similar content back to back.
I also love using the app Wunderlist for post ideas. You can download it on your laptop as well as on your phone. You have an account that allows you to see your lists on both platforms. So if I'm out and about I can just write it down on my phone. And when I'm working on my laptop later I can just open the app there.
After I've planned my content, I usually take a whole day to just take photos for posts. Bulk shooting is a life saver. I try to edit as many photos as possible the day after as well. Once I have my photos done, it's all about the writing.
And there you have it! That's how I plan my content! If you're a blogger, I'd love to hear how you plan your posts!
Would you like to see more blogger-tips on here?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!
Let's be friends!
I've heard lots of good things about Google Sheets, and Wunderlist has cropped up in organisation videos I've seen a few times too, so think it's time for me to jump straight in and see how I can use them! I'm in the long process of decluttering my life at the moment, so utilising online sites and apps seems like a great way to go :-)