Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer

Hello people of the internet! I don't know about you guys but I go through phases of being really into my horoscope. I'm 100% a Leo through and through. But, Cancer season truly inspires me. And, it even inspired me to start this makeup series. I've wanted to do a zodiac themed makeup for ages but I just felt like I had to this month!

Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer
Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer
Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer
Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer
Zodiac Signs As Makeup Looks || Cancer

This look was so much fun to do! Especially since my hair at the time matched the theme so damn well. I'm already going to start playing with some Leo inspired makeup. Hopefully, I can do something fun and a little more different to my usual makeup.

Let me know if you like makeup series like this. And, if you have any ideas for future makeup series let me know what you want to see!

What's your Zodiac sign?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

Let's Be Friends!

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