Photo Challenge || October 2019

Saturday, September 21, 2019

October Photo A Day Autumn themed photography challenge Fall 2019

Hello people of the internet! You're probably wondering where I've been or why there wasn't a September challenge. To be honest, I just wasn't feeling it. I was feeling a little creatively drained and uninspired. Plus, I was busy and life got in the way. I just decided to skip September altogether and give myself a chance to recharge. So now, I'm very excited to share my October photo challenge. This month's challenge is packed with Halloween and Autumn themed prompts to help you capture all of your memories this month!

How To Play

Take a photo each day with the corresponding prompt

Post each photo on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Etc

Tag @CardiganJezebel

Use the hashtag #PADcardiganjezebel

Last but not least, have fun!

October is hands down one of my favourite months. And, it's my favourite month to create challenges for. I hope Autumn is good to you all. Hopefully, we can all channel our best creative energy this month and share some truly amazing photos! As always, I cannot wait to see what you all come up with in October!

Are you joining in this month?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

Let's Be Friends!

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