Photo Challenge || February 2018

Friday, January 26, 2018

February 2018 photo a day photography challenge

Hello people of the internet! How has January been for you? This month has been pretty good for me. Well, aside from the fact that it's been what seems like the longest month ever. Does anyone else feel that way? I swear January last longer than all of 2017 combined. It's insane! Anyways, I'm more than happy for a new month to start. 

How To Play

Take a photo each day with the corresponding prompt

Post each photo on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook/Etc

Tag @CardiganJezebel

Use the hashtag #PADcardiganjezebel

Last but not least, have fun!

I decided to keep the prompts super simple this month. Personally, I find these types of prompts so much easier to stick to. January was a fantastic month in terms of photos from you guys! Each day you all amaze me with the photos you take and decide to put up! Keep up the good work!

Are you joining in this month?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!

Let's be friends!

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  1. I puttered out on the January challenge - maybe February will be my month to complete this!

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