Pay Day Wishlist 2018

Monday, April 09, 2018

Pay Day Wishlist 2018

Hello people of the internet! Wanna know something strange, I'm writing this on my phone. That's because I'm currently working a festival so I'm a lil bit more busy than usual. But, that me and we get to discuss some payday treats. And maybe writing this post will help me be a little less impulsive when payday comes around... hahaha!

Makeup revolution palettes - I have been eyeing up these palettes for ages. I've loved Makeup Revolution for a long time now and I also love an affordable dupe. As you can tell these are similar to the ABH modern romance and subculture palettes. I can't wait to try them out!

Fluffy coat/cardigan - I know it's finally starting to get warm out but I just need a giant fluffy coat or cardigan in my life. And honestly, the brighter the colour better.

Urban Decay highlighter - I finally saw these beauties in real life. And they were just as beautiful as I imagined. Honestly, I want to pick up both but that just seems crazy at €26 a piece. So I'm going to go for the powder highlight as cream highlights aren't my go-to.

Pre-order snot girl vol. 2 - I just finished reading Vol.1 and OH my god I immediately googled to see if vol.2 was out and where could I buy it. I was originally drawn in by the art style and then the story just had me addicted!

Primark dresses - I have such a love-hate relationship with Penneys. The past summer collections have been an absolute miss for me. This year though? Dear Lord, I need everything. Here are so of my favourites at the moment!

Lovedrobe dress - So I'm doing a super cool post with Lovedrobe in the next week or so. They sent me a few bits to write about. But honestly, this dress speaks to the lil witch that lives in my soul. So it's a must-have for me.

What's on your wishlist at the moment?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter

Let's be friends

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  1. SNOTGIRL! Yes! I love that comic so damn much and I cannot wait for the second volume to come out soon! :D


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