Happy Birthday Cardigan Jezebel!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Happy Birthday Cardigan Jezebel
Hello people of the internet! Today is my blog's first birthday! One year ago today, I was sitting in Dan's house just checking how much it would be to buy a domain! I can't believe that was a year ago. Part of me thinks it's been a lot longer but it also doesn't seem like much time has passed at all! 

I can't even put into words how much I love blogging. I feel like I've grown so much when it comes to writing. My photography has changed so much too. There might as well be a different person behind the camera. I definitely got better at designing things for my blog too! 

First logo:

Current Logo:

First Header:

Current Header:

I feel like I've made my blog how I want it to be. I post things I want to post and not just what other people want to see. That's such an important thing to me too. In the past year, I traveled all the way to Galway for my first ever Blogger event. I've done some great reviews and I've found some right dodgy products! I did nearly a whole month of flippn' Blogmas! Who even knew that existed before blogging by the way? Like, December is crazy enough but I blogged almost every day of December. If it wasn't for that I'm not sure I would be so dedicated to my blog now. I love being able to document my life in this way. From the time I saved a kitten (which I still have!!) or even a simple snow day! All of the nights I've stayed up too late writing or editing or designing things for Cardigan Jezebel have been so worth it. 

Lastly, I am so grateful for every single person who takes time out of their day to read my blog. I know there are millions of blogs out there and the fact that you guys read mine makes me so unbelievably happy. Every single one of the comments motivate me to keep writing the next post and to step up my game. You guys mean everything to me. Thank you so much for being here and I can't wait to spend another year with you guys! 

Tomorrow it's one year since my first post. I can't believe how simple it is, yet it's still something I would totally post now. I just really can't believe like any of this guys. I can't wait to grow more and share more with you!

Things To Look Forward To This Year

  • Youtube videos! This is something I've always wanted to branch into. I'll with out a doubt be starting to make some very soon. At least vlogs! Let me know in the comments below if there are any videos you'd like to see me do.
  • 3 posts a week! At the very least. Monday = fashion, Wednesday = lifestyle, and Friday = beauty. I might try and post more but for now I know these work for me.
  • Different post styles! I want to do more lifestyle posts. Mainly, so I can document my life and share more of myself with you guys! I'll be adding more DIY's, recipes, life updates, and such.
Like I said before, I'm absolutely over the moon about spending another year with you guys. 
Happy first birthday Cardigan Jezebel!

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  1. Happy Birthday to you - singing in my head!!

  2. happy 1st!! Blogging is an incredible way to express what you love! and OMG i did not know about Blogmas!! im soo gonna attempt to do that! its such a good idea! Great post! xxx

    Anisha ♥ All You Need Is Red Lipstick

    1. Thank you! It was pretty hectic the first few days and then I really started to enjoy it! Thanks for commenting xx

  3. Happy birthday Cardigan Jezebel! Love your blog and look forward to seeing what's in store! Xxx

  4. Hey! Happy Blog Birthday!! I nominated you (& your blog) for the Liebster award because you're one of my top bloggers! Here is the link to my post! https://nellyandnoopy.wordpress.com/2015/04/14/the-liebster-award/ OR http://nellyandnoopy.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/the-liebster-award.html Elizabeth x

  5. Congrats! Happy blog birthday! I only recently started blogging back in February and I love it. I can already see small improvements from the beginnings of my blog and I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can get into and work on as time passes.


  6. Happy blog birthday :)


  7. Wooo happy 1st bday Cardigan Jezebel :) Love the blog


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