Christmas Bucket list
Monday, November 23, 2015Hello people of the internet! It's getting to the time of the year where Christmas completely takes over our lives. I've seen a few bloggers do a post like this one and I decided to join in! Christmas to me isn't really about the presents (well, I enjoy buying them). It's about spending time with my family, watching movies, and listening to A LOT of Christmas tunes. I love that feeling in my stomach when I see my Christmas tree light up for the first time. If you enjoy things like that, I hope you'll enjoy today's post!
Go to the Christmas Market in Cork and Dublin: I always go to the Christmas market in town (Cork) but, I've never been to Dublin around Christmas time! I'm determined to go this year.
Buy an ornament from the Disney store: I've decided to start buying cute ornaments every year. So, when I eventually move out I'll have a bunch. How could I get ornaments with out stopping at the Disney store?
Watch The Santa Clause at least three times: The Santa Clause is hands down, my favorite Christmas movie. None of that "Elf" shite. I love Tim Allen. It won't officially be Christmas time until I sit down and watch this.
Decorate the tree with my family and Dan: Every year we all decorate the tree and we turn on the lights together. Then, we go outside and see the decorations from the sidewalk. It's something we've been doing since I was little. Still one of my favorite traditions.
Get a small tree for my bedroom: This is another tradition I really want to start! I would love to have a tree glowing in the corner of my room all month.
Do all 25 days of Blogmas: I might be crazy but, YES THIS IS HAPPENING! I did Blogmas last year when I first started taking blogging seriously. I've already been planning posts.
Make "too many" cookies: Not that there's such thing as too many cookies! I'll definitely be doing another post or two about baking this month.
Wrap all of the presents while watching movies; This is a tradition I started for myself a couple years ago. I settle down with a bunch of Christmas movies and wrap all of the presents I bought for everyone. It usually takes me about a movie and a half to finish. There's a lot more watching than there is wrapping!
Have Secret Christmas with Dan: This is a new tradition... Dan calls it Secret Christmas. Basically, he gets impatient and wants a present early. But, I'm finally giving into the silly idea because I've been buying him specific presents for Secret Christmas!
Go to bed early on Christmas Eve: Yeah right... Like this will ever happen!
What are some of the things on your Christmas "bucket list"?
Let me know in the comments below or on Twitter!
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Haha...looks like some great traditions here, although I agree that that last one probably isn't going to happen! :) -- Amy @