12 Reasons Why I Love The Autumnal Season || Guest Post

Thursday, October 04, 2018

Hey, today's post will be all about why I like the Autumnal season and its not just because of the aesthetically pleasing photos that nature provides (although it is 80% of the reason why). As much as the summer season was all fun and everything, once it gets round to the Autumn/Winter season I go all crazy like a kid left in a candy store. Nothing is more satisfying than the idea of layering up on clothes, the cute winter jackets, shops stocking up the Christmas decorations and most importantly...SNOW. I mean snow in the UK is not present much or hardly any at all but its the thought that counts for us UK residents.

October is the month when you really get your cleaning done and begin preparing for the next season. I don’t know what it is but I always feel so relaxed during October (when I don’t have deadlines to meet) and at peace with myself. I guess you can say that’s an additional reason why I do like the Autumn season. 

 Without further ado, here is a list of things that I most enjoy about the Autumn season:

1. The smell of cinnamon EVERYWHERE

2. Leaves falling 

3. Pumpkin spice flavoured drinks

4. The aesthetic look that nature brings

12 Reasons Why I Love The Autumnal Season || Guest Post

5. Sitting in my comfy slipper socks reading books on the sofa

6. Oversize jumpers (yes I'm talking of the ones that drown you inside)

7. Comfort foods (these being absolutely anything for my sweet tooth)

8. Homemade soups

9. Bonfire night

10. Scented candles

11. Daytime movies during the school hold

12. It's another season closer to Christmas

Anything on the list above that is an Autumnal must for you? Or got anything to add on to the list of favourites? Then be sure to comment them below as I'd be very happy to hear of your Autumn traditions!

Yours Truly,
Melanin Talks x

This post was kindly written as a guest post from the lovely Ruth aka www.melanintalks.wordpress.com You can also find her on Twitter @ruthholondo_ and Instagram @ruthholondo!

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  1. Autumn is my favorite because of the cool temperatures, foods, shows, and holidays. I also agree that I feel more peaceful and relaxed during this season!


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